Plastic Surgery in Scotland: Beauty Is In Demand

Studies are showing that a huge number of Scots have either gone under the knife or want plastic surgery to alter their appearance – three-quarters of them in fact.

An internet questionnaire on has revealed Scots are in the majority when it comes to the acceptance of plastic surgery in Scotland. More than one in six of those who took part said they had undergone plastic surgery in the past, while 60% said they were considering operations.

Facelift Scotland doctor, Dr. Darren McKeown says that “The truth is, we all age. How quickly depends on what kind of life we’re living. And if we’re being honest with ourselves, some bad habits are worth a wrinkle or two.” He believes that his role is to help those who do not want to look tired or old before their time.

Choosing Plastics Surgeons With Cosmetic, Botox and Filler Course Training

Scotland has amazing doctors and plastic surgeons that have the qualifications that are required for cosmetic treatments. It is recommended that you always visit a clinic where the team has taken a cosmetic botox and fillers course.  Plastic surgery is now the safest it has ever been, as long as you are getting treatment from a professional cosmetic surgery clinic. Make sure that you do some research before going ahead with any treatment.

plastic surgery scotland

Plastic Surgery in Scotland: Most Popular Treatments

Plastics surgery in Scotland is incredibly desirable and it has been announced that the most common forms of surgery among those who have had cosmetic procedures were facelifts in Scotland, eye lifts, and nose jobs.

Those who are considering treatments want tummy tucks and liposuction. Many, including Scotland’s Plastic surgeons, think that there is no longer a  stigma attached to cosmetic procedures and that the stigma has been largely lifted by the popularity of TV makeover shows.

So there you have it, we are no longer hiding our cosmetic treatments in Scotland. This study also shows that we are talking about plastic surgery in Scotland, now more than ever before.

In the past, it was common for those to hide their cosmetic treatments but the rise of celebrities opening up about their cosmetic procedure proves that if they can talk about it anyone can.

facelift scotland

Facelift Scotland

The Facelift has been one of the most popular treatments in Scotland as it is in demand with both men and women across the world, never mind Scotland. The treatment is now pain-free as it can be completed by a doctor under local anaesthetic, sedation or general anaesthetic – giving patients options on how they would like their treatment performed.

People are now travelling to Scotland to have their facelift treatment completed as we are one of the safest countries to have cosmetic treatments completed.

Professionals and clients say that treatment looks the best it ever has, as the scars which are left behind are extremely natural and can be hidden behind the ear and into the hairline. The Berkeley Clinic are another brand that perform facelifts in Glasgow, the ” 8 Point Lift targets areas of sagging skin”. They are one of the only cosmetic clinics in Glasgow to do this type of treatment.