Why Choose ISO 27001 Consultant for Your Company

Acquiring an ISO 27001 certificate can boost your credibility, attract new clients, enhance security, and safeguard you from legal implications. A typical audit comprises ten management system clauses and an annexure listing 114 information security rules, but the number of requirements can sometimes appear never-ending.

You can self-certify while doing the work yourself. That’s definitely an option. But, each process can be tedious and time-consuming. This is the exact situation where hiring an ISO 27001 consultant expert to become certified in ISO 27001 is a lifesaver.

Who Exactly Are ISO 27001 Consultants?

Professionals who specialise in ISO 27001 use their experience to hasten the installation of an IT security system that follows ISO 27001. You will establish the design, scope and implementation of your ISMS with the aid of the consultant. They will be able to fulfil both your security needs as well as those of the framework if they have a working knowledge of the ISO standard.

The IT management system recommended practices are outlined in the widely accepted standard. By incorporating extensive ISO 27001 controls, it is intended to ensure that enterprises adhere to the best approaches for security management.

But, ISO 27001 simply instructs you on what to do; it does not provide instructions. As a result, there is a lot of opportunity for interpretation and usage. By engaging with security professionals, you may take advantage of this by adopting ISO 27001 consultation services.

How Long Is ISO 27001 Certification Valid?

When an accredited CB issues an ISO 27001 certificate, it is valid for three years before needing to be updated. Nevertheless, certification is dependent on the in-scope ISMS continuing to operate effectively. The selected CB will carry out annual ongoing assessment inspections, and certification may be revoked if the ISMS is not running successfully and prompt action is not taken to remedy this.

What Benefits Do ISO 27001 Consultants Offer

Hiring an ISO 27001 consultant has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Some advantages, such as quicker compliance and long-term gains, outweigh the drawbacks. Let’s explore further to comprehend its benefits:

  1. Speed Up the Compliance Process

Engaging a consultant is equivalent to pressing the accelerator to move through the compliance stage more quickly. When carried out by internal staff or contractors, a task can take anywhere between three and twelve months to complete. Your ISMS is running smoothly, risk areas have been addressed, paperwork is accurate, and everything is being watched.

  1. Labour-Saving and Well-Planned

When you lack the required skills to complete processes yourself, things can become haphazard and out of control. An ISO 27001 consultant operates in an organised manner. They put in an effort and are skilled at handling situations. You can avoid doing tedious manual labour for hundreds of hours thanks to the systematised process.

Take Away

Obtaining ISO 27001 certification will help you project maturity and open up higher-level sales interactions while also giving your clients a sense of trust. Streamlining these procedures and making strategic judgements can be made with the aid of consultants.